Bellerbys Economics - Mr Stephenson

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Economics Graduates

Economics has a poor reputation - 'the dismal science' it is sometimes called - and that makes those of us who practise it, dismal scientists - probably in both senses of the phrase.

But is that really true? Let's just look at some of the exciting people who have qualified with an Economics degree:

Firstly, there's Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones, who grabbed his degree from the LSE. Then there's (gulp) Arnold Schwarzeneggar, action movie hero who went on to become Governor of California - the Governator.

Then there's BBC presenter and everyone's Blue Peter favourite Konnie Huq, who's a Cambridge graduate like our very own chief-exec, James Pitman.

Then there's Tiger Woods, possibly the world's greatest ever golfer, who graduated from Stanford. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert - the cartoon series is an economics graduate. Australian actress Cate Blanchett graduated from Melbourne University - and also actors Gene Kelly, Paul Newman and George Wendt ('Norm' in 'Cheers').

That's not a bad crew to be a member of!!


  • Sillything - if you would like to email me direct on, we can talk about the problem you raised.
    Best wishes
    Mr Stephenson

    By Blogger Economics 101, at 7:14 am  

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